Frequently Asked Questions

We have tried to readily have answers for every question out there, however please do contact us if you are uncertain about anything and have any additional questions about the festival!

What will it cost?
All participating divers need to register. Registration costs R150 per person. Late registration (on the day) is R200 per person.
Boat dives cost R200 each, dives booked at the festival are R250 each.

What will you get for your money?
Your registration fee gets you:
– participation in the festival
– day entry into the False Bay Yacht Club and use of their facilities including showers, restrooms and kit washing/drying areas
– an unique event participation tag and an entry into the lucky draw prize giving which will be taking place at the end of the day

Your boat dive fee gets you:
– a trip to and from the dive site/wreck you selected with an experienced skipper (and a dedicated Dive Master for the SCUBA divers)

What if the weather or sea conditions are bad?
We will NOT cancel or postpone the festival. We know very well that this is the ‘Cape of Storms’ and anything can happen but the chances of having a complete blow-out at this time of year is quite low.
If the dive conditions are bad and the festival organizers decide not to run dives, you will be refunded your boat fees in full. Unfortunately we cannot refund dive fees if a diver decides they no longer want to dive on the day. Cancellations at least 24 hours ahead of the festival will be refunded at a 10% fee.

How do I Register and Book Dives?
We are making use of a free booking tool as to not incur any additional costs.
All bookings are to be made on the SignUpGenius page. (Online Bookings close at 8PM Thursday night, the 12th of May).
Registration & Bookings can still be done on the day, albeit at a higher cost.
If you have any queries about the booking/registrations, please email us as

What if you want to dive with a specific boat operator?
We are not indicating the boat operators on the booking system on purpose as to mix up the groups of local divers a bit more and create a festival-like atmosphere as apposed to it just being the same group of divers with the same operator.

What about my non-diving friends and family members?
Non-divers will not need to pay the full registration fee to come join in on the festivities. We do still need to cover the yacht club costs so please pay R50 per non-diver at the registration desk when you arrive. These non-divers will not be entered into the lucky draw but can make use of all the facilities at the yacht club.

How do I make sure I get the latest updates?
Follow the event on the Facebook page, on Instagram or just check back here on the website for the latest news and updates.

What’s the SCUBA Dive Masters about?
All the SCUBA dives have a dedicated Dive Master to lead you on the dive and help you with any problems you might encounter. The DMs are volunteers that know the particular dive site you’ll be diving.
Divers (particularly experienced local divers) who do not want to follow a DM are not obliged to do so but then must carry their own SMB and reel.

How long is each SCUBA dive?
To keep the dive schedule on track, we must limit the SCUBA dive times to a maximum of 45 minutes. Kindly plan your dives accordingly.

Do I need a MPA permit?
YES. All of the dive sites are in the Table Mountain National Park Marine Protected Area and a permit is required to dive these sites. Please get an annual permit (works out cheapest) from any Post office before the festival. We may check permits at the dive registration so please do not take a chance.

Where do I get Air and Nitrox?
Air and Nitrox are not provided by the Festival and you will need to make your own arrangements to ensure that you have sufficient cylinders for your dives. The local dive shops and clubs will have all their rental cylinders available so please contact them directly.

Where can I park my car?
The parking area outside the yacht club gates is somewhat limited and we have made a commitment to the yachties that we won’t be using it at all. PLEASE DO NOT PARK THERE.
There is a huge Navy parking area called Cole Point on the other side of the brick wall and we will have permission to use it for the duration of the festival. You’ll be able to drive up to the yacht club gates, drop off your gear at the secure kit area provided and then drive around to go park your vehicle at Cole point parking. The kit area guards will be able to direct you and there will be signage.

Where can I buy food and drinks?
The False Bay Yacht Club has it’s own restaurant and the upstairs bar will also be available. In addition there will be a food stall with soup and boerie rolls for sale.

What festival merchandise will be available this year?
We’re getting caps done for this year’s festival. During your booking process you’ll have the option to order a cap until the 27th of April and pay the R100 as part of your EFT. You will then receive your cap on arrival when you sign in at the festival.
We recommend you order your cap online as merchandise available on the day will be limited.